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All Masterclasses and Courses are included within Gymnastics Growth Academy membership [plus stacks more!]
Structuring your Physical Preparation
Toe On, Stalder, Endo, Toe 1/1
Swings, Kips, Cast to Handstands and Giants
Lower Limb, Upper Limb and Core Movement Assessments and Interventions
Cartwheels, round offs, handsprings and flicks
Flexibility, leaps and pirouettes
Mounts, Dismounts, Advanced Acrobatic Series, Directionality and more!
Backward Giants, Forward Giants, Circle Elements, Turns and Upstart
Lower Limb; Hip, Knee and Ankle Stability
Muscle Up, Swings & Giants, Yamawaki, Jonasson, Inlocate & Dislocate
Gienger, Tkatchev, Jaeger, Hindorff
Double Backs Tucked & Piked, Double Arabian, Full In
Physical Preparation, Swings to Handstand, Pirouettes, Diamidov, Stutz, Under Somersault, Giant
Core & Lower Limb; Ankle & Calf Development, Rebounding, Jumping & Landing
Backward Giants, Forward Giants, Backward Turns, Circle Elements
Backwards and Forwards Twisting
Physical Preparation, Building Circles, One Handed Circles, Flairs, Magyar, Sivado, Czech, Spindles
Handstands, Floor Lines, Trampoline for Bars, Tkatchevs, Jaeger, Shoot Down, Pac
Running, Front Handspring, Yurchenko
Handstands, Korbet, Handspring, Flyspring, Forward Somersaults, Twisting Progressions
Beam System, Forward & Backward Acro Elements, Spins, Beam Complex Priorities
Round Off, Flick, Backwards Somersaults, Backwards Twisting
Running Development, Yurchenko
In Depth Shoulder, Lower Limb
Constructing a Floor Routine
Shaping, Swings & Backward Giants, Forward Giants, Circle Elements, Shaposhnikova, Flyaway
Philosophy, Confidence Building, Artistic Development, Exercise Selection, Games
Lower Limb; Theory, Plyometrics, Movement Competency
Masterclass Bundles
All 4 recordings of the 2024 WAG Masterclasses
All 6 recordings of the 2022 WAG Masterclasses
All 5 Bars recordings from 2017-2022
All 5 Physical Preparation recordings from 2017-2022
All 4 recordings from 2021-2022 MAG Masterclasses
All 5 recordings of the 2021 WAG Masterclasses
All 4 recordings of the 2020 Masterclasses